Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pam's Day

Since I despise posting my daily food intake I'll start with that.....
Breakfast: 1 banana and a turkey and cheese sandwich( I was running late for a meeting and didn't have time to prepare the usual bacon and eggs)

Lunch: Grilled tilapia and 2 cups of house salad

Dinner: Lean steak and 2cups of cabbage

Snack: York peppermint patty

Exercise has still been consistent. Yesterday I went to the park and played around with my I was out of breath throwing/catching a Frisbee. OMG...the staircase we had to climb to get back to the parking lot was hell! By the time I got to the top, my heart was beating outside my make matters worst, it was about 20 people or so in the parking lot. Of course I had to act like the stairs didn't leave me exhausted. But please believe, by the time I got into my car I was panting like a dog in heat! LOL....

Today I followed up with the C25K program. For whatever reason, it was a difficult walk/run . Not that I was tired or anything, but my calves were on fire. I've concluded that perhaps I didn't stretch well and will make sure to do so from here on out.

In other news, one of my bff's has decided to join me in the 5K run. I am very excited about this and look forward to the run.

* I got the run dates wrong, it's not until 4/30/11 and it's a five miler*  I'm still going for it!



Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby steps.

Now that all the turkey and dressing is gone, it's time to focus more on my dietary intake.  I realize I might have to break down and keep a daily journal of what I eat. This is something I have dreaded doing because I am just not consistent with it. However, "eying" my portions may not work in the long run. In addition to controlling my portions, I am prepared to reduce the amount of sugar and starches I consume. Now, I realize this a life long commitment, so I want it to be as realistic and attainable as possible....small steps for now.....

Today, I ate okay...breakfast was eggs and bacon...lunch was a sandwich, chips and diet soda, and dinner consisted of spaghetti and salad. I didn't eat seconds and watched the amount of  pasta I ate( I used ground turkey instead of ground beef in the sauce).  Snacks included a tangerine and sugar wafers....I know, that's a no no....remember, small steps people. :)

I worked out for 45min...mostly WATP (Walk Away The Pounds- for more info go to )   After completed about 30min of that, I cranked up the radio and danced for another 20min or so and finished with stretches. On Tue, Thur, and Sat I am doing The Couch to 5K running program. This program gets you off the couch and running 3.1miles in 2months! It's a great program because it starts off very slow, so slow you may be tempted to skip to the next level. For me, it's very doable and has helped me in the past. Since my run is 3/26/11, I expect to be running the full length weeks before the race.  ( for more info  on Couch25K running program go to

Tis all for now...


Monday, December 20, 2010

The Hardest Part is Over!

The hardest part to any  new commitment in life is getting started! The past few weeks I have been working out 1 day then wouldn't do it again for another 5-7 days. Of course I didn't get upset when the scale stayed the same...I guess it was just warm up for this week. As I delved into what the real issue is with my fluctuating weight from one year to the next, I realized it's centered on my inability to commit to anything...this is true for various facets of my life, but I will  keep to the context at hand.

So, what's the plan? Simple...eating less, moving more!!!  It's the classic remedy for obesity and really doesn't require complex strategic planning or the nuances of counting carbs, protein, and fat ratio's. Just good old fashion common sense and probably a new pair of kicks.  It worked before and I know with prayer I can stay motivated to make this a lifestyle change.

Specifically, my exercise of choice is running. I love running and the feeling of freedom that accompanies it. Now I have to build up my endurance to make my 5K run in March, but I'm up to the task. Last year I ran the 3.1miles in 47minutes, I am hoping to come in under 40min this time.

Because I'm not good at posting on a regular basis, I will do my best at posting my food intake for the day...the good the bad and the ugly, as often as I can.  Additionally, I will update on any physical activity as well...starting with today.

38min walk
6min's a start...

"Keep me in your prayers as I will continually pray for you"