Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby steps.

Now that all the turkey and dressing is gone, it's time to focus more on my dietary intake.  I realize I might have to break down and keep a daily journal of what I eat. This is something I have dreaded doing because I am just not consistent with it. However, "eying" my portions may not work in the long run. In addition to controlling my portions, I am prepared to reduce the amount of sugar and starches I consume. Now, I realize this a life long commitment, so I want it to be as realistic and attainable as possible....small steps for now.....

Today, I ate okay...breakfast was eggs and bacon...lunch was a sandwich, chips and diet soda, and dinner consisted of spaghetti and salad. I didn't eat seconds and watched the amount of  pasta I ate( I used ground turkey instead of ground beef in the sauce).  Snacks included a tangerine and sugar wafers....I know, that's a no no....remember, small steps people. :)

I worked out for 45min...mostly WATP (Walk Away The Pounds- for more info go to )   After completed about 30min of that, I cranked up the radio and danced for another 20min or so and finished with stretches. On Tue, Thur, and Sat I am doing The Couch to 5K running program. This program gets you off the couch and running 3.1miles in 2months! It's a great program because it starts off very slow, so slow you may be tempted to skip to the next level. For me, it's very doable and has helped me in the past. Since my run is 3/26/11, I expect to be running the full length weeks before the race.  ( for more info  on Couch25K running program go to

Tis all for now...



  1. Glad to see you are doing C25k. I am restarting it. I will be adding sprinting in there somewhere too. I have decided it's time for a food journal as well. It's tedious but I consistently lost when I was conscious of what I consumed.

  2. Hey Filmie! I'm glad you are starting back with C25K you can help keep me motivated. Thanks for checking in.
