Monday, December 20, 2010

The Hardest Part is Over!

The hardest part to any  new commitment in life is getting started! The past few weeks I have been working out 1 day then wouldn't do it again for another 5-7 days. Of course I didn't get upset when the scale stayed the same...I guess it was just warm up for this week. As I delved into what the real issue is with my fluctuating weight from one year to the next, I realized it's centered on my inability to commit to anything...this is true for various facets of my life, but I will  keep to the context at hand.

So, what's the plan? Simple...eating less, moving more!!!  It's the classic remedy for obesity and really doesn't require complex strategic planning or the nuances of counting carbs, protein, and fat ratio's. Just good old fashion common sense and probably a new pair of kicks.  It worked before and I know with prayer I can stay motivated to make this a lifestyle change.

Specifically, my exercise of choice is running. I love running and the feeling of freedom that accompanies it. Now I have to build up my endurance to make my 5K run in March, but I'm up to the task. Last year I ran the 3.1miles in 47minutes, I am hoping to come in under 40min this time.

Because I'm not good at posting on a regular basis, I will do my best at posting my food intake for the day...the good the bad and the ugly, as often as I can.  Additionally, I will update on any physical activity as well...starting with today.

38min walk
6min's a start...

"Keep me in your prayers as I will continually pray for you"


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