Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Doing Great and Feeling Good!


Yesterday was one of those days in which I had to force myself to workout...I just wasn't feeling up to it. Nevertheless, I threw on my workout gear and remembered why I am COMMITTED to staying the course and popped in my K-Bell workout DVD(Image is to the left). Now, I only lasted 10min(this is definitely not a beginner workout!). This chick is brutal and the movements are non stop. I used a 4 lb bell and it felt more like 40lbs this morning when I got up. Since I didn't complete the 20min K-Bell workout, I completed a 2-mile WATP workout. So I was pleased with my overall workout yesterday. Today I did the C25K workout and can tell my legs are getting stronger and my endurance is picking up. I actually wanted to run longer than the allotted time! But I refrained, don't want to get ahead of myself.

Eating has been great! I'm still not logging everything down, but I am sticking to low/good carbs and that is making such a difference already. Also I am eating mostly chicken, lean beef, and fish. Every meal (lunch and dinner anyway) include veggies or house salad. What I have noticed thus far by way of weight loss is less puffiness in my face and stomach.


  1. Glad to see that you are doing good. I thought about trying kettleballs but I'm scared I'll hit myself in the head. I am clumsy.

  2. LOL...You will do just fine...trust me. If I haven't knocked myself out by now, you are good! Go ahead and give it a try, I plan on doing my 10min workout again tomorrow. If I last longer than that, cool. If not, that's cool too. :)
