Monday, March 14, 2011

Feeling Some Kind of Way....

Why is this soooo hard! I don't think I have lost a pound since my last post. I have been doing just enough to maintain and that's not going to work. I have noticed(again) that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I'm hungry, sleepy, and bored. Surprisingly, not when I'm stressed....hmmm. Anyway, If I don't figure out how to combat this, I will forever be TRYING to lose weight! I don't mind working out, I actually like it. If I can commit to at least 4 days of week of cardio(implementing toning gradually)

So, you may wonder(or may not LOL) what the game plan is THIS time to help me with my hearty appetite. Well, I have been looking into ALLI. It is not only about popping pills, but it's the entire support system I need to help me stay accountable. I'm still doing some research on it and will let you know what I decide to do.

As of today; I am watching my portions and committed to working out. Less sugar(dang this is going to  hurt). If I purchase the ALLI plan, I will be starting it on Monday 3/21/11. Wish me luck.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Alot has happened.

Where do I start...

Well in a nutshell, my sister-in-law has been in ICU since sometime in January, I started a new job a couple of weeks ago, and my  dad has been in town for the past week or so. Basically I have been busy!!! One thing has remained constant, my workouts!!! I am so pleased with myself and how I was able to transition to morning workouts once my job started. However, eating has been terrible!!! I have not been able to adjust to any type of regimen to make sure my meals are planned. I have been eating whatever I want and fast food for lunch.

I know in the long run I will have to get this eating stuff together or I will not be successful at weight loss. For now, I'm losing and pound here and there.....

That's all for now, I am preparing to attend the Miss Black South Carolina Pageant.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Goal!

So it's been a week since my last update and nothing new to report really. I am still hanging in there with my running program and WATP.  Dieting has been well too. I did have  a moment of self pity after getting on the scale yesterday. I must say my first goal is to lose 36lbs!!!

My weigh-ins will be every 2weeks. I have asked my husband to hide the scale and only give it to me on weigh in dates. This is so I won't become overly obsessed with the scale.

Tonight I start week 5 day 1 of the C25K program, wish me luck.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Up and Running.

Thankfully my knee is back to normal and I was able to not only complete the 3 mile WATP routine yesterday, I completed week 4 day 1 of the C25K program today! It was definitely a challenge, but I enjoyed it. I am up to running 16minutes which is something I haven't been able to do for quite some time.

Dieting is going well. I have been able to control those late night cravings lately, so I'm pleased. :-)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stuck on week 3!

Well, while diet and exercise are going pretty well, I had my first set back. Thursday after my C25K run, my knee had swollen to the size of a small cantaloupe. It really wasn't painful at all just sore and swollen. I had to take a couple of days off to nurse it with ice and Motrin. Today it felt normal and I resumed walking(only). I might try a run tomorrow followed by Motrin and ice and see how it does.
The problem is when I don't  workout, I don't always eat's like all or nothing with me. I have to work on that, or risk sabotaging all my weight loss efforts. I am not even going to go into what I ate, it would be easier to list what I didn't...smh! However, I put my big girl panties on and got right back on track today...Yay me!!!

I'm still motivated which is a plus, and my outlook is positive, so I shall continue......

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

C25K Update!

Today I completed Week 3 Day  1 of the C25K program. It wasn't too bad, but challenging. I felt really good once I got to the 17min mark. I've noticed it takes me about 15-18minutes to warm up and get going. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the run and even did an extra 15 min of walking on the treadmill followed by 20minutes of toning.

 My husband has mentioned that my back is going in. Which I too noticed, but didn't want to get overly excited about anything right now for fear of slacking on my workouts. Just taking it one day at a time and enjoying how I feel. 

My diet has been much of the same. The past few days I have had a late night snack, which I am going to nip in the bud tonight. I will not allow PMS to throw me off course!

I will be posting comparison pics on 1/25/11 and the 25th of every month thereafter. 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Doing Great and Feeling Good!


Yesterday was one of those days in which I had to force myself to workout...I just wasn't feeling up to it. Nevertheless, I threw on my workout gear and remembered why I am COMMITTED to staying the course and popped in my K-Bell workout DVD(Image is to the left). Now, I only lasted 10min(this is definitely not a beginner workout!). This chick is brutal and the movements are non stop. I used a 4 lb bell and it felt more like 40lbs this morning when I got up. Since I didn't complete the 20min K-Bell workout, I completed a 2-mile WATP workout. So I was pleased with my overall workout yesterday. Today I did the C25K workout and can tell my legs are getting stronger and my endurance is picking up. I actually wanted to run longer than the allotted time! But I refrained, don't want to get ahead of myself.

Eating has been great! I'm still not logging everything down, but I am sticking to low/good carbs and that is making such a difference already. Also I am eating mostly chicken, lean beef, and fish. Every meal (lunch and dinner anyway) include veggies or house salad. What I have noticed thus far by way of weight loss is less puffiness in my face and stomach.